New dance & performance

Ingrid Berger Myhre: Mapping

“The map is a document that contains movements as well as putting in motion the one that reads it. It can manifest as a drawing, a text, a score, script, documentation, a letter, a representation, a translation, a description.”

Ingrid Berger Myhren Mapping on kollektiivinen koreografisen kirjoittamisen praktiikka, joka toimii havainnon ja ”tyhjän” tilan (esim. studio) aktivoinnin välineenä. Mapping ei vaadi taitoa tai luovuutta. Praktiikka tähtää fenomenologisiin avauksiin ja keskusteluun, jotka nousevat sen harjoittamisesta.

Berger Myhre ohjaa tiiviin, kaikille avoimen Mapping-työpajan, johon osallistuminen ei vaadi ennakkotietoa tai tanssialan koulutusta. Työpajan kieli on englanti.

Työpaja Kutomolla keskiviikkona 10.5.2017 klo 18-20

Työpaja on maksuton!
Ilmoittautumiset ja tiedustelut: ehkatuotanto(at)

Kuva: Ingrid Berger Myhre


Ingrid Berger Myhre: Mapping

“The map is a document that contains movements as well as putting in motion the one that reads it. It can manifest as a drawing, a text, a score, script, documentation, a letter, a representation, a translation, a description.”

Mapping is a collective choreographic writing practice as means of observation and activation of the “empty” spaces we usually work in. Skill or creativity is irrelevant in the mapping. It is the phenomenological openings and the conversations that arise around them when seeing the room through someone else’s eyes in a kinaesthetic and performative context that is the aim of the praxis.

Ingrid Berger Myhre directs a compact two-hour Mapping workshop open to everyone interested. No prior knowledge or training in dance or choreography is required. The workshop is given in English.

Workshop at Kutomo on Wednesday 10.5.2017 from 6 pm to 8 pm

The workshop is free of charge!
Registrations and inquiries: ehkatuotanto(at)

Photo: Ingrid Berger Myhre