New dance & performance

Maija Reeta Raumanni: but for all my unbelievable little efforts to improve the world maybe this is the first time

Esitys muoviselle seepralle, lihaveitselle, 50 kilogrammalle, marssimusiikille, kauniille ja rohkeille, Tashille, valkoiselle neliölle, painovoimalle, Erik Satielle, linnuille, eksistentialismille, minulle, teille, paperille, saksille, ja naiville piirustukselle. (Houkuttelevalle) kaipaukselle ja (paatuneille) epäilyille. Tämän hetken muistolle.

Teos on Maija Reeta Raumannin lopputyö Amsterdamin Taidekorkeakoulun School for New Dance Development -linjalle.

Konsepti ja koreografia: Maija Reeta Raumanni
Esitys: Maija Reeta Raumanni, Tashi Iwaoka
Taiteellinen neuvonanto: Igor Dobričić
Tuotanto: Ehkä-tuotanto, AHK / School for New Dance Development

, Maija Reeta Raumanni

Ensi-ilta 15.6.2007 Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam

15.-16.6.2007 Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam
26.-28.10.2007 Barker-teatteri, Turku


Maija Reeta Raumanni: but for all my unbelievable little efforts to improve the world maybe this is the first time

A performance for a plastic zebra, a kitchen knife, 50 kilograms, marching music, the bold and the beautiful, Tashi, a resemblance of a white square, gravity, Erik Satie, birds, existentialism, me, You, paper, scissors, and a naive drawing. For (alluring) desire and (vicious) doubt, for the memory of the present.

but for all (…) is Maija Reeta Raumanni’s graduation performance at the School for New Dance Development.

Concept and choreography: Maija Reeta Raumanni
Performance: Maija Reeta Raumanni, Tashi Iwaoka
Artistic advise: Igor Dobričić
Production: Ehkä-production, AHK / School for New Dance Development

, Maija Reeta Raumanni

Premiere 15.6.2007 Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam

Performance dates:
15.-16.6.2007 Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam
26.-28.10.2007 Barker-theatre, Turku